M Points

Introducing Our
Divided into three tiers:
MP+ Member
Grand Member
M Grand Member
What is the Music Plaza Loyalty Program?
- This loyalty program allows all customers who place orders on musicplaza.com to receive points for orders placed. Points then can be to redeemed for discounts or gifts.
How do I receive points for purchases?
- To start, sign up for an account and customers will automatically become a Member, tier 1. For every purchase made, customers will receive 2 points per $1 spent on your order. With these points, discounts can be redeemed. There are many ways to receive points, such as posting reviews for orders or sharing our items on social media. Guest checkout orders are not eligible for points, so please make sure you are logged in when making a purchase.
How do I become a Grand member?
- The next tier will be Grand, tier 2. To achieve Grand status, spend $200 in a calendar year online at musicplaza.com only. For every purchase made, customers will receive 3 points per $1 spent. In addition to points, all Grand members will receive extra freebies for every purchase of a KPOP album. Grand members will also receive exclusive emails for discount codes, as well as exclusive offers for preorders. In order to maintain a Grand Member status, a minimum of $200 will be needed to be spent every year. Guest checkout orders are not eligible for points, so please make sure you are logged in when making a purchase.
How do I become an M Grand Member?
- Our highest and most valuable loyalty program will be our M Grand member. To achieve M Grand status, spend $1000 in a calendar year online at musicplaza.com only. If you are an M Grand Member, all the benefits listed for a Grand member and regular member will be given, but you will be receiving 5 points per $1. In order to maintain an M Grand Member status, a minimum of $1000 will be needed to be spent every year. Guest checkout orders are not eligible for points, so please make sure you are logged in when making a purchase.
Do Points expire?
- Yes! If your account does not make a purchase within 6 months of your previous order, all points will expire. As long as a purchase is made within 6 months of your previous order, all accumulated points will not expire.
Are there requirements when using rewards?
- Yes! There are 3 rewards you can redeem and each have minimum purchase requirements:
- $5 rewards (Redeemed at 500 points // $50 minimum purchase required)
- $10 rewards (Redeemed at 1000 points // $100 minimum purchase required)
- $25 rewards (Redeemed at 2500 points // $250 minimum purchase required)
Are there any methods to gaining points other than making a purchase?
- Yes! The following list are many ways you can redeem M Points:
- Sign Up for M Points: Upon Signing up for a Music Plaza account, all customers are rewarded 50 points.
- Celebrate a Birthday: Depending on your Rewards Member status, all customers who have their birthday listed on their account at least 30 days prior will receive 50, 100, or 200 points.
- Share our Products: Sharing our products on Facebook or Twitter will reward customers 10 points. This is limited to once every 30 days.
- Follow our Social Media: Following our Twitter and Instagram or liking our Facebook will reward customers 10 points. This is limited to once per account.
- Write a Review: Writing a Review on any products you receive will reward customers 10 points. This is limited to once every 7 days.