"2NE1 TV" is a variety TV program featuring 2NE1, where they showcase their daily lives, behind-the-scenes moments, and interactions with fellow artists. The first volume of the DVD series includes special appearances from members of BIGBANG, TEDDY (a renowned producer, and member of YG Entertainment), and other notable figures. This DVD is a great way for fans to experience the personalities and dynamics of 2NE1 outside of their music performances. It also highlights the close-knit relationships they have with other artists in the K-pop industry.
The DVD contains a mix of fun, candid, and emotional moments, making it a must-have for fans who want to get a deeper look into the lives of 2NE1 and their collaborations.
- Product Type: DVD
- TV Standard: NTSC
- Number of Discs: 4
- Label/Distributor: Avex Marketing
- Running Time: 450 minutes
- Encoding: MPEG-2
- Region: 2
- Subtitles: None
- #1~#3
- #4~#6
- #7~#9
- #10~#11
This DVD set offers fans an opportunity to watch the first season of "2NE1 TV," with 450 minutes of content showcasing the members' lives, interactions with other artists (including members of BIGBANG and TEDDY), and behind-the-scenes footage. Each disc contains multiple episodes, offering a comprehensive look into the group's activities and personalities. As a Region 2 DVD, it is best suited for viewers in Japan, Europe, and the Middle East.
Important Notice:
This Blu-ray/DVD is encoded for Region 2 (Japan, Europe, South Africa, and the Middle East). Please ensure that your Blu-ray/DVD player is compatible with Region 2 before making a purchase. Playback may not be possible on devices designed for other regions. Music Plaza cannot be held responsible for unplayable discs due to regional code incompatibility.